
Provider identification

Legal provider identification

This website is operated by „plastsave“ Umwelttechnik KG:

Seat of the company:

„plastsave“ Umwelttechnik KG

Südring 53

D-37079 Göttingen

Fon: +49 (0) 551 / 29 17 29 95

Fax: +49 (0) 551 / 29 17 29 96

Mobil: +49 (0) 176 / 45 85 03 96

Mail: info[at]


Authorized representative: Ulrich Winkler (genaral partner)

Register court Jena: HRA 505802

Tax number: 159/161/19906

VAT-ID: DE345154109

When you contact us, the data you have transmitted may also be stored electronically for the purpose of further processing. By sending the data, you agree to this.

Consumer arbitration

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

We also point out according to § 36 VSBG that we do not participate in the relevant consumer arbitration proceedings.


Visiting and using our website for information on a future business area of ​​environmental technology deliveries and services is based on free will. Our website is generally visited without registration. Personal data, in particular names, addresses and e-mail addresses, are voluntarily exchanged upon receipt of a business relationship between „plastsave“ Umwelttechnik KG and the recipient of the goods and services offered. The exchanged data are used for the respective order processing as well as the invoicing, delivery and all parts of the commercial invoicing and business management and can be deleted at the customer’s request after the end of a respective business relationship, if the business relationship should not be continued.

That means data protection for us: Your data are not only technical specifications but also the basis of a general business relationship. Your exclusive approval is required so that these can be used as usual. Personal data is all information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural (data subject), i. H. can be identified with additional knowledge (names / knowledge / special characteristics, etc.).

When implementation of the planned range of environmental supplies and services is started, the necessary primary requirements such as: notifications and information obligations, information obligations, correction, blocking, deletion and the right to be forgotten as well as the right to data portability by the data protection officer appointed and installed on this day become strict implemented in accordance with the GDPR.